Transportation Committee Files

The links to files on this page do different things depending on the type of file: "DOC", "LP DOC" and "spreadsheet" download a file; "PDF", depending on your settings, will either open the PDF in a separate tab or download the file; "web page" and "TXT" open the page in a separate tab; and audio files play in a separate tab.


What Constitutes Universally Designed Transportation TXT, DOC, LP DOC.

Disability Access to Transportation Act

  • Disability Access to Transportation Act TXT, DOC, LP DOC or PDF.
  • Langevin, Titus Seek to Expand Transportation Access for Individuals with Disabilities _ Congressman Jim Langevin web page.

Seamless Bay Area

  • Seamless Transit Principles TXT, DOC or LP DOC.
  • Seamless Bay Area Vision Summary Sheet TXT, DOC or LP DOC.
  • Seamless Bay Area Vision TXT, DOC or LP DOC.
  • Seamless Bay Area Petition TXT, DOC or LP DOC.
  • Vision Statement and Principles October 2019 TXT, DOC or LP DOC.
  • Seamless Transit Principles - MOU for Org Sign-on - Logos PDF.

Transportation Committee

  • Preliminary Notes on Committee Goals TXT, DOC or LP DOC.
  • SVCB Transportation Committee Members TXT.

Voices for Public Transportation

Audio Files