SVCB Phone Tree Message for July, 2024

General Meeting

The July meeting will be an in-person and virtual event at the San Jose Vista Center for the Blind on Saturday, July 20, from 9:30 AM to 1 PM.

Lunches will be available from Subway with the usual menu.

It’s a good time to pay for your picnic reservation and tell David Hoffman what you’d like to eat.


Our program speaker for this Saturday is Dr. Stanley Yarnell, who in 2016, founded The Blind Posse, an informal social network of like-minded individuals who are committed to improved access to the art of museums in the Bay Area for vision impaired visitors. Over the years, the Posse has worked with 13 Bay Area art museums to help create audio descriptions, partner with docents to develop descriptive tours for the vision impaired, provide opportunities for haptic experiences with touchable art, and provide other accommodations. Dr. Yarnell is a retired physician who specialized in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

New SVCB Contact Email and Phone Number

Our New contact information is:


Phone: 408-638-9743

Scheduling Your Ride Home

When scheduling your ride home, please choose a window no later than 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM. Thank you.

Attending the Meeting Virtually

The meeting will also be available through Zoom for those who can't attend in-person. The Zoom information is below and is also in the Event Calendar section of the newsletter.

Join Zoom Meeting on July 20 from 9:30 AM to Adjournment.

One tap mobile


Call in Number: 408-638-0968

Meeting ID: 830 0919 6598

Passcode: 222638

When prompted for a participant code, press the Pound key.