Victor Clifford Honored for Many Years of Service
Victor Clifford has been volunteering his time to SVCB and other organizations for many years. Following is a short list of some of the things he has done:
- He has been the Treasurer of SVCB for more years than most people can remember.
- He has been the go-to person at SVCB meetings, picnics, and holiday parties whenever eyes or organizational skills are needed, and he has done so with the best of good will, grace, and courtesy.
- For years, he has been the one purchasing all the food and other necessary items for our summer picnics, and was the main set-up person who arrived early to get everything ready.
- He has often been on hand to drive SVCB members to some of our UNI D National Parks tours.
- He received the Humanitarian Award from CCB in the summer of 2021.
- He worked on our SVCB website.
- He works every year as a sighted proctor for the Northern California Regional Braille Challenge.
- He was a member of the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury from June 2019 through December 2021.
At the 35th Anniversary General Meeting in November David Hoffman presented a dark purple pillow that says "Your Lordship" to Vic and crowned him "King Victor".
Victor Clifford wearing a silver crown and holding the "His Lordship" pillow.